Farewell for now to all those beautiful Thais who have become good colleagues and friends in such a short time. Until we meet again, as Garrison Keillor would say "Stay well, do good work, and keep in touch."

Today is my last day at SWU, and it's turning out to be a fine farewell. Dr. Maria Lao Sunthorn, who got her PhD in library science at Indiana University and studied under the famous Haynes McMullen, hosted a lunch for all the staff, most of whom call her 'Mother' for good reason. Her late husband was the first president of SWU and she's a former Library Director. Dr. Maria is just delightful.
I'll be signing off the blog with this post. Everyone has urged me to return soon, and I will do my best to make it come true. My final report to the Fulbright Commission is ready in draft form, to be completed when I return home and can submit my expense report, etc.
The summary of my time here is that I've tried to educate and inspire my library colleagues to increase library cooperation among Thai academic libraries and expand their own educations and professional development. From their feedback, I think my time here has been successful, and I've certainly grown professionally. Many traits of librarians seem to be universal, and the cultural differences are not about fundamental humaneness and a service orientation.
It's been a life-changing experience, and I'm confident the relationships created will continue for years to come. In particular, I will do my best to help several of the young librarians to study for advanced degrees in the U.S.
I've loved every minute, and now, Louis and I anticipate a fine vacation in Vietnam before returning to Ohio later this month.
Thanks for following along. This blog has motivated me to keep my thoughts and photos up-to-date.
My best to you all. Scottie